Hello there. I’m Fat Cat Ken and welcome to my site. I began network marketing back in the mid-1980’s. While I found the concept of network marketing fascinating and exciting, implementing their marketing plan left me frustrated and disillusioned.
I was told to make a list of everyone I knew…friends, family members and anyone else I could think of. Then I was to contact them and tell them about my new business and see if they would be interested.
Although I had a little success, the process was brutal. I’d get objections that I couldn’t find an answer for and rejection after rejection.
The biggest thing I found was that the marketing program was not duplicatable. The attrition rate is network marketing can be up to 95%.
It wasn’t until the rise of the internet and digital marketing that I found a way to get people to join my network marketing business and duplicate what I have been doing.
So, I decided to create this website to give information on how to succeed in network marketing in 2024 and beyond.